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We need a rescue vehicle!

Updated: May 27

Support Nairobi Feline Sanctuary’s Fundraiser for a Rescue Vehicle

At Nairobi Feline Sanctuary, we’re dedicated to providing a safe haven for cats in need. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, our sanctuary currently cares for 630 cats and 5 dogs, thanks to the unwavering dedication of our founder and the generosity of well-wishers. However, to continue and expand our mission, we urgently need your support.

Why We Need a Rescue Vehicle

Since our formal establishment on January 1, 2020, we have rescued countless cats from dire situations across Kenya. Despite our best efforts, the lack of a dedicated rescue vehicle has posed a significant challenge. Each time we receive a distress call, we must hire a car, which is both time-consuming and costly. This delay can be critical, especially when cats are in life-threatening situations, such as being hit by vehicles on highways. In some instances, we can only afford to hire a motorbike, a stressful mode of transport for vulnerable cats, including kittens and their mothers. To provide timely and safe rescues, we need a small utility vehicle.

.How a Vehicle Will Make a Difference

With your help, we aim to raise KES 1,300,000 ($11,000) to purchase a rescue vehicle and cover insurance for a year. This vehicle will:

1. Enhance Rescue Operations: 

Allow us to reach cats in distress quickly, ensuring they receive the immediate care they need. 

 2. Increase Rescue Capacity:

 Enable us to respond to more calls and rescue more cats, offering them a chance at a forever home.

3. Generate Income for Sustainability: 

In addition to rescue operations, we plan to use the vehicle for a ride-share service to and from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) during off-hours. We are located near JKIA, and this service will generate much-needed income for the sanctuary. Additionally, we will offer pet transportation services, such as vet visits, further alleviating our financial burdens.

Join Our Mission

We have already raised 5% of our goal, thanks to 32 generous supporters. But we need your help to reach the full amount. Every donation, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to purchasing the vehicle that will save lives and support our sanctuary's sustainability

How to Donate

You can make a difference today by donating through the M-Changa and GoFundMe links provided below. Your support will directly impact the lives of the cats in our care and those still waiting to be rescued.

Together, We Can Save More Lives

At Nairobi Feline Sanctuary, every cat deserves a second chance. With your help, we can respond faster to emergencies, rescue more cats, and ensure they receive the care they need. Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of Nairobi’s feline residents. Donate today and be a part of our mission to give every cat a chance at a better life.

Donate Now!

Thank you for your support and for being a vital part of our community.

Donate via M-Changa

Donate via Gofundme 

Stay ConnectedFollow us on social media to see the impact of your donation and stay updated on our progress. Together, we can make Nairobi a safer place for cats.


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